
Meeting with former Dhaka Wangala Nokma

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    Event Date

    November 20, 2021

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    Event Location

    173 East Tejturi Bazar, Farmgate

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    Event Cost


Dear all Ex Nokma,

Greetings from Dhaka Wangala 2021 Celebration Committee! It’s our pleasure to inform you that we are very close to our Dhaka Wangala festival and going to celebrate this on 2 -3 December 2021 at Lalmatia Housing Society School and College premises. All of our preparatory works are going on well. We want to make this festival a meaningful and successful event. So we need your support, cooperation and suggestions and for that purpose we are going to organise a Consultation Meeting with you on 20 November 2021 at Nokmandi Meeting Room at 11:00 AM. You are cordially requested to attend this meeting and your presence and opinions are highly appreciated.

With warm regards,

Uzzal Azim

Member Secretary Dhaka Wangala 2021